Wedding Inspirations | Wedding Stationery Ideas

7512 views since February 28, 2013

Today we would like to inspire you a little bit with amazing wedding stationery ideas! Do you remember Susan from Susan Brand Design. Susan is a designer based in South Africa and we created our new logo with her last year (find blog post here: Rebranding). We love her work, she does not only create great corporate identities for businesses, she also has amazing ideas for wedding stationery.

On a wedding day it`s so great to see everything fits together: invitations, menu and place cards, stickers as well as matching stationery for the candy bar like labels, candy-bags, flags and not to forget thank-you cards. You should not miss this great and colorful ideas!

At this point we wonna thank Susan for her cooperation and special thanks to the amazing photographers Juné Joubert photography & design and Adene Photography for providing their images as well! We love your work!

Juné Joubert photography & design captured these stunning images of Charles & Cornel`s wedding stationery. Susan had lots of fun working on their stationery with these great colors, cute flags and sweets everywhere.

Susan created this exciting invite for Melanie and Bert´s big day. Their wedding had a vintage feel with lots of lace which is also included in the invite. The couple wanted to include a bicycle because that´s Bert´s hobby and also Melanie´s pets should find a special place! Super sweet results!

Adene Photography took all these great images on Melanie and Bert´s wedding day!

If a couple travels a lot a passport fits perfect for their invite! On the front page Susan combined the two initials of the couple to create a crest (C & A) and that was used throughout. Inside you can find all the wedding information and it´s designed to look as it would appear in an actual passport. The map on the back of the invite has all the stamps of the countries they have visited together. I can image that it was really fun to design this outstanding invite!

For Jana and Ruan Susan designed an informal and fun wedding invite. I really love this pink and turquoise color scheme!

I hope everyone out there can absorb some of these ideas - give your fancy full scope! Make your wedding stationery something special and something really personal. Include the colors of your wedding day and also the style. Be creative, there are no limits - the stationery should really represent you and your style! We wish you lots of fun being creative and if you need any help I´m sure Susan can help to create your perfect wedding stationery - even if there are thousands of kilometers between you - we already tried it, thanks to the internet and Skype that´s no problem at all! Happy wedding planning!


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