Nadja & Albino | Customer Feedback

4072 views since October 06, 2017

When a couple trusts us and gives us the chance to document one of their most important moments in their life, that is really huge. Not an easy thing for both parties: for the couple the task to find their perfect wedding photographer (sympathy, style, availability) and for us as photographers the pressure to be always on point: nothing can be re-done. There is just one first look, one first kiss as a married couple, one first dance as husband and wife. That is part of our job and we are absolutely aware of the fact that we create everlasting memories of once in a lifetime moments. Nadja and Albino's wedding in Italy was a dream: their emotions, families, friends and celebrations! This lovely family welcomed us strangers so warmhearted - exceptional. They are so special, not just as a couple also when it comes to sharing emotions and giving feedback, the following message reached us just a few hours after delivering their wedding photos and we still have goosebumps when we read these lines. Thank you guys so much for inviting us to photograph your Italy wedding and for being so kind. It was a pleasure and we are really looking forward meeting you soon again.

Dear Nina and Phil,

The minutes since we talked on the phone are emotionally charged, we just looked at the photos together and we are... overwhelmed. It is hard to verbalize what we are feeling right now. With your photos we just got the opportunity to be there again, it feels like standing in the dressing room, laughing with our girls, sheding tears of joy during our first look, smelling the lavender in the forest... you both made it happen to capture the magic. How, that is a miracle to me... but you succeeded and we are... overjoyed!!!

Thank you so much for your lovely words, they mean a lot to us as the they express - like your photos - not just the mood but also the point... friends get together at a wonderful place and celebrate the world's most important thing - LOVE. Everything was perfect. We thank you from the bottom of the heart for your fantastic work, your friendship, all your help and for the wonderful moments we could share together - thanks to you these memories are caputred forever. I am really looking forward flipping through our wedding album with our great-grandchildren and showing them our fairytale wedding in the wood.

Lots of hugs,
Nadja & Albino

For more photos visit this blog post:
Villa Pianciani Wedding in Spoleto, Italy | Tuscany Wedding Photographer
German version:

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil,

die Minuten seit wir telefoniert haben sind emotionsgeladen, ich habe mit Albino die Fotos gemeinsam angesehen und wir sind... überglücklich. Es ist schwer auszudrücken, was das wirklich für ein Gefühl ist. Wir waren gerade noch einmal dort, ich habe das Gefühl gehabt ich stehe im Ankleidezimmer, lache mit den Mädels, vergieße meine erste Träne beim First Look, rieche den Lavendel im Wald... ihr habt es geschafft, die Magie einzufangen. Wie, ist ein Wunder für mich... aber es ist euch gelungen und wir sind einfach nur... überglücklich!!!

Vielen Dank für eure lieben Worte, sie bedeuten mir so viel, denn wie die Fotos drücken sie nicht nur die Stimmung sondern das Wesentliche aus... Freunde treffen sich an einem wunderbaren Ort und feiern zusammen das Wichtigste auf der Welt - die Liebe. Es war einfach alles perfekt... Wir danken euch aus ganzem Herzen für eure fantastische Arbeit, für eure Freundschaft, für eure Hilfe und für die wunderbaren Momente, die wir zusammen hatten und die dank euch für immer festgehalten sind. Ich freue mich schon heute darauf, unseren Urenkeln die Märchenhochzeit im Wald zu zeigen.

Seid innig umarmt,
Nadja & Albino

Mehr Bilder dieser Hochzeit findet ihr in folgendem Blog-Eintrag:
Italien Hochzeit in der Villa Pianciani in Spoleto | Hochzeitsfotograf Toskana


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