2010 was GREAT!

7817 views since December 23, 2010

2010 was a really eventful year for us and our business and we want to share the highlights of 2010 with you once more.

In January we started to renovate and furnish our new business office in Schwaz. In February we moved in and in March we were ready to rock and roll.

We had the honor to cover 20 weddings this year and we want to thank those couples once more - it was great to be part of your day!

Our wedding season startet with a british wedding in Alpbach - it was a great day!

In April we launched our new brochure of references online, just page through it: brochure

In May our wedding season went off: six wonderful weddings within three weeks - lots of work to do!

June was a very important month for ourselves. At the beginning we created three advertising subjects for Silberquelle in close collaboration with the agency ACC from Innsbruck. Those three subjets were published in the Tiroler Tageszeitung for a couple of weeks.

And then June 19 was OUR BIG DAY - our very own wedding!

In July we took some time off and enjoyed our honeymoon to the full!

In August we accomplished some of our own projects: e.g. Hollowman photography

Beside several gorgeous weddings a short trip to Cologne to the Photokina was listed in our calendar in September. Here you can find the full post: our Photokina-Trip

We are proud to announce that we are the official and exclusive wedding photographer for destination weddings at the 5-star Arlberg Hospiz hotel since October 2010. This month we also had the opportunity to introduce our work in an interview with Chateau and Villa Weddings - a leading destination wedding planner agency based in France and Italy.

November had two great and really sunny weddings going for and we also had the opportunity to capture beautiful images of cute little Noah.

In December we had the honor to create advertising photographs for Planlicht and their new product catalog 2011 - more details and images of this project follow early in January.

Thanks to all our customers for the awesome 2010! We are looking forward to lots of great projects and events in 2011!

A very Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!


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