Lovely reunion with Evi & Martin

6849 views since February 29, 2012 | Musteralben , Coffee-Table-Book , Album

Today we had the pleasure to meet a beloved couple again - Evi and Martin dropped in! It was so great to see you again, to chat a bit and to hand out your wonderful wedding coffee-table book as well as a big canvas print! We wish you all the best, take much pleasure in your book and we hope to meet you soon again!

Evi & Martin | Customer Feedback

6695 views since December 13, 2011 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Fall Wedding

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil! Wir sind sehr froh, dass wir im Internet per Zufall auf euch gestoßen sind. Durch eure liebevolle und professionelle Art und Weise habt ihr unsere Hochzeit zu einem unvergesslichen Tag werden lassen. Wir haben die Zusammenarbeit mit euch sehr genossen und geschätzt. Die wunderschönen Fotos werden uns immer wieder an diesen schönen Tag erinnern. Liebe Grüße und vielen vielen Dank, Evi & Martin

Evi & Martin | Gorgeous wedding at freezing temperatures | South Tyrol, Italy

13498 views since November 02, 2011 | Fall Wedding , Red , VW Beetle

Beginning of October we hit the road to South Tyrol, Italy to cover Evi and Martin´s wedding. The weather was absolutely crazy, two days before the wedding we had 25 degrees but at the wedding weekend the thermometer showed only a few degrees above zero, but we were happy that it didn´t rain ;) In spite of the freezing temperatures we all enjoyed the big day and in our hearts we could feel lots of warmth!