Am I a Workaholic?

6577 views since July 12, 2018 | NHP , Personal , Behind The Scenes

A bit more than four years ago, when I was pregnant, I thought I need a little break from work to not end as a workaholic. I'm pretty sure that the view weeks after Lea's birth with less work were really necessary and that it was also great to reduce the amount of hours I worked within the first two years after Lea was born. But the last four years - yes time flies and our girl turned four last spring - showed me more than anything else that I love to work and I can be proud that I'v...

Find your Photography Niche: You do not have to master it all

5082 views since May 28, 2018 | NHP , Business Tips , Behind The Scenes

Whether photography is a hobby or career, it can get overwhelming when you try to master all niches, from weddings to stock photography and more. But which one should you choose? How important is it to pick a photography niche? Can you ever switch niches? Can you have multiple niches? Read on to find out the answers!

Kostenloses E-BOOK | GOAL SETTING | Gib deinen Zielen eine Chance

4035 views since January 12, 2018 | NHP , Ebook , Freebie

Wie viele von uns setzen sich zum Jahreswechsel kleinere und grössere Ziele und verlieren diese oft schon in den ersten Wochen des neuen Jahres wieder vollkommen aus den Augen?! Aus Bequemlichkeit, weil man im Alltag mit all seinen Herausforderungen feststeckt oder man mit dem angedachten Ziel einfach seine eigenen Prioritäten und Wünsche verfehlt hat. Wir freuen uns riesig, dir mit unserem 34-seitigen, kostenlosen E-Book jene Tipps und Tricks zu verraten, welche uns beim Erreichen unserer eige...

Merry Christmas and a big HUG

2697 views since December 24, 2017 | Christmas , Personal , Family

Sending you a BIG HUG this Christmas as it's the perfect gift for all of us. It's free, one size fits all and it can be easily returned! In our family we do not give huge gifts as the most wonderful gift is TIME! Time is rare and invaluable and so we share these peaceful days with our loved ones. Merry Christmas everyone - enjoy this special day with your loved ones! PS: Stay tuned for some life and business changing content within the next weeks - totally free.

3 Fun Facts about Me

3369 views since December 15, 2017 | NHP , Personal , Behind The Scenes

Wanna know THREE FUN FACTS about me? Here we go: 1. I can look quite angry when I concentrate on something (photographic proof can be found below) and if anyone has a recipe against these wrinkles between my eyebrows in such situations, I wanna know!!! 2. I'm also a software developer - coding nerd and photographer. Does this go along? Well, I think it can work out ;) 3. I never thought I would be self-employed. Phil already had his own business when we first met 15 years ago and I always...

Losing someone you love hurts badly

3036 views since November 10, 2017 | Personal , Family , Memories

When you receive bad news everyone handles the situation differently. Last week my loved grandma passed away, she was such a lovely personality. When you lose someone you love and you have to let this person go, it is always difficult. When such things happen in my life one of the first things I do is looking for a photo that reminds me of the wonderful time I had with this special person. Such photos and memories make my heart smile. Of course it hurts a lot, but I also know that my grandmother...

And the Winner is... | Giveaway NHP Anniversary Celebrations

2554 views since September 15, 2017 | NHP , Anniversary , Social Media

Oh my god guys, you made it really hard for us to choose a winner. We received so many lovely, touching and special submissions for our free shoot giveaway on the occasion of our 10 years Nina Hintringer Photography anniversary celebrations. We are overwhelmed how many wanted to do a shoot with us. From after wedding shoots, couple shoots and trash-the-dress shoots to special meanings of a particular number, to weight loss. So many great reasons to create memories with a photoshoot. It was reall...

10 Years Nina Hintringer Photography | Anniversary Celebrations | Huge GIVEAWAY

3609 views since August 09, 2017 | NHP , Business Tips , Social Media

We are so excited because today we are celebrating our 10th BUSINESS ANNIVERSARY - whoop, whoop! I can't believe that we started this journey 10 years ago. Check out how it all began, what our secrets of success are and take the opportunity to win a FREE engagement or couple shoot worth almost 500,- Euros - you can find all the details below. We thank YOU from the bottom of the heart, because YOU - all our great clients and partners - made our successful journey possible! We never take this ...

How getting up at 5.55am can probably ruin your Instagram Account

3248 views since July 21, 2017 | NHP , Business Tips , Social Media

I never thought that my habit of getting up at 5.55am can probably ruin my whole Instagram account. I prepare my posts always the day before, I create a draft and store all my captions in my Notes app. So everything is already prepared and when my alarm clock rings at 5.55am the first thing I do is bringing my post online. You might think This girl is crazy and that's ok, everyone has it's own habits and priorities. But with some tests I recognized that my posts perform best when I post...

Relaunch Website Nina Hintringer Photography

2969 views since March 06, 2017 | NHP , Personal , Mission Statement

We are more than proud to announce that the relaunch of our Nina Hintringer Photography website has happened! We could not be happier as the new site represents us, our work and our style just perfectly. The screen design for this new website was finalized already last year in May but due to a busy wedding photography schedule, preparing and being a part of six bridal shows all over Austria with our wedding stationery products in Fall and Winter, finding an employee and not to forget being paren...