Ski-Inspired Summer Wedding | Cat & Menno and their Tiffany Blue Color Theme

16496 views since August 09, 2014

Some of you might ask why a ski theme for a summer wedding? Actually the reason for this is rather simple: the couple, as well as the maid of honor and the best man all met at the Tyrolean Alps while working as skiing instructors. The bride is from Great Britain, the groom from the Netherlands, the best man also from GB and the maid of honor is from Austria but already married to another cool guy coming from the United States. Check out their socks, that easily tells something about their nationality.

So you can see being part of this event is a truly awesome thing considering that all these people might have never met if they had not decided to go to Tyrol and become a skiing instructor one day... what a fateful occasion. This wedding was really something special as it was an intimate one and most of the wedding guests had to fly in, in total more than 22.000km. Everyone was very connected to the couple and it felt like a big family from all over the world.

Cat and Menno created a gorgeous look and feel, they successfully incorporated the ski-theme into almost anything. Not just snow flakes, skis and a bobsleigh as decoration parts, also little skis for the groom as boutonniere, the bridesmaids` dirndls, the ties and cufflinks as well as the bride`s shoes and lots of other wonderful details in perfect matching colors! So Cats favorite color `Tiffany Blue` was carefully integrated throughout the whole wedding. Additionally it was no surprise that Cat and Menno even brought their skis to incorporate their theme also in their portraits. Apropos skis: they had such a great idea of creating an extraordinary guest book - they had an old pair of skis to sign for their guests - that`s just amazing and so you have a great piece of art for your home afterwards!

Cat and Menno we really have to say thanks for giving us the chance to get to know you and all your wonderful friends and families. You truly are a gorgeous couple and you can feel lucky to have met so many nice and friendly people from all over the world. We are glad that our home country and especially our beloved mountains played a prominent role in your story.

We wish you all the best for your future together and hopefully we meet again sometime on the slopes!


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