Planlicht: COMET

11229 views since April 24, 2012 | Product Photography , Planlicht , Lampenhersteller

The last view weeks have been a little bit quiet on our blog but that doesn´t mean that we were lazy ;) We have been hard-working: we relocated and set up our new office in Schwaz (images will be on our blog soon) and we also did some product- and ad-photography jobs. Amongst others we had the honor to photograph Planlicht´s awesome new COMET.

Planlicht: new advertising photographs for product catalog 2011

7736 views since March 30, 2011 | Product Photography , Planlicht , Lampenhersteller

Again advertising photographs for the new Planlicht product catalog 2011 were created. The catalog will be published in April. Here you can find some of the results. Photography: Nina Hintringer Photography Composing: Image Media Group

Planlicht: advertising photographs for the new product catalog 2011

8984 views since January 23, 2011 | Product Photography , Planlicht , Lampenhersteller

In December we created advertising photographs for the new Planlicht product catalog 2011. Here you can find some of the results: