Publication: marryMAG Interview about our work as Wedding Photographers

4598 views since September 04, 2015 | Published , Publication , Veröffentlichung

We entered three times for marryMAG`s photo contest and we were so excited that one of our photos was part of the TOP 10 within all three contests. But we hope you did not miss that we won the 1st place in their contest with the category `emotions` just a few weeks ago. We were so happy and could not believe it first, I was jumping up and down in our office holding the new issue in my hands where our photo was published over a whole spread. A few days after the last issue was available Eva calle...

Publication: 1st Place marryMAG Photo Contest | Emotions

6659 views since May 27, 2015 | Published , Publication , Veröffentlichung

Wuuuaaaahhhhh! We are totally thrilled to announce that we won the FIRST PLACE in marryMAG`s photo contest with the category `emotions`. We can`t describe how happy and overwhelmed we are, that`s such an honor! A big thank you to Miriam and Manuel for having us as their wedding photographers, your special day was just amazing - when we look back we still have goosebumps! Don`t miss this issue as you can find lots of wonderful things in there.

Published AGAIN: marryMAG | Photo Contest | Part of the Top 10

5081 views since December 02, 2014 | Published , Publication , Veröffentlichung

We are so excited to share that one of our ring shots is part of the Top 10 voted by the creative wedding magazine marryMAG and their nameable jury! Katrin & Manuel`s ring photo is published in the current marryMAG issue - happy dance! So we are published in this wonderful magazine two times in a row ;) Thanks, it`s such an honor!

Publication: marryMAG | Photo Contest | Part of the Top 10

6905 views since August 28, 2014 | Published , Publication , Veröffentlichung

We are so happy and proud that one of our dancing photos is published in the current marryMAG issue! Corinna & Christian´s dancing photo is listed within the top 10 of their latest photo contest! Yeah! Thanks to Corinna & Christian for this wonderful moment! Check out the current issue of this gorgeous and creative wedding magazine - it`s just lovely!