Wedding Inspirations | Give your Wedding a Corporate Design

2912 views since April 20, 2017

The motto and corporate design of a wedding: Just think about what makes you a couple, what is special and unique about you and what do you like doing together. All of these things can be the basis for a wedding motto as well as the corporate design. The dress, the suit, jewellery and of course the bridal bouquet and the floral decoration as well as the decorations for the location, the tables, the wedding invitations, place cards and menus as well as the thank-you cards can all match.

For example, there is a photo of the rings on olive wood shown on the invitations as well as on the place cards and menus, the bridal bouquet is decorated with olive branches, even the table decorations use this theme and also the snacks include olives.

Having a motto for a wedding makes the whole festival not only harmonious, but also easier to make decisions in the planning phase, since the guidelines have been laid and one knows what one would like and what not. Thus the choice of the location, the decoration and even the wedding menu can be inspired by this motto.

If you are a pilot or a stewardess, you could also do this. It is possible to use small airplanes as a decoration, to use a map with pins as a table plan and to use all of these elements in the wedding stationery.

Even colors can become the motto of a wedding, why not have a black and white theme or a peacock motto with elements in blue and green, which will definitely inspire your guests. Speaking of color! Who actually says that the wedding dress must always be white? Why not get married as shown in the Estee Lauder advertising and wear a deep pink dress?

Or do you have a very special location such as a castle or you would like to get married on the lake or in the mountains. This also creates a motto that can be incorporated into the corporate design of a wedding and gives your celebration a very personal touch.

We wish you a lot of fun planning your wedding and finding the perfect theme for the two of you to make your celebration really unique.

Olive branches and olive wood as main part of the whole wedding decoration (link to full post):

Travel themed wedding (link to full post):

Black and white color theme for a wedding (link to full post):

Peacock themed wedding (link to full post):

Pink wedding theme (link to full post):


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