Verena & Marco | Customer Feedback

6195 views since August 10, 2014 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

Wonderful feedback received us, a big thank you to Verena & Marco for letting us be part of your special day! You welcomed us so warmly and we are happy to say that we became friends and meet up every now and then - it´s just wonderful to have you in our lives! Please find Verena & Marco´s customer feedback in English as well as in German within the details of this post!

Helen & James | Customer Feedback

7184 views since July 22, 2014 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

It's always really special to receive feedback from our clients and it's not rare that such wonderful lines cause teary eyes on our side! Thanks to Helen and James for letting us be part of your destination wedding in St. Anton last winter. It was a pleasure to document your magical wedding day as well as all the little gorgeous details you created to make your day absolutely extraordinary! Please find the English and German version of Helen & James' customer feedback in the details ...

Nicole & Thomas | Customer Feedback

7748 views since January 03, 2014 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

We received wonderful feedback and we want to share these lines with you. Please find the German and English version of Nicole & Thomas´ customer feedback in the details of this post! Thanks so much for your sweet words, we hardly can put into words what your feedback means to us! We wish you all the best and hopefully we meet you soon again!

Andrea & Stefan | Customer Feedback

9276 views since September 30, 2013 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

Please find the German and English version of Andrea & Stefan´s customer feedback in the details of this post! Thanks for your positive response, we are so happy that we could create everlasting memories for you as well as your families and friends! All the best for your future!

Manuela & Herbert | Customer Feedback

6087 views since July 24, 2013 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

Please find the German and English version of Manuela & Herberts´s customer feedback in the details of this post! We really appreciate your lovely words, it´s always something special to be part of friends´ weddings and we are so happy that we could document these special moments in your lives!

Corinna & Christian | Customer Feedback

6279 views since February 15, 2013 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

Please find the German and English version of Corinna & Christian´s customer feedback in the details of this post! Thank you so much for your kind words, it was such a pleasure to be part of your special day!

Eva & Willi | Customer Feedback

5760 views since February 01, 2013 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Kundenbewertung

We received amazing customer feedback from Eva and Willi! We thank you so much that we could be part of your great wedding day in Upper Austria! We wish you all the best for your further future and hopefully we meet again soon! Please find the German and English version of their feedback in the details of this post!

Marlene & Markus | Customer Feedback

9288 views since November 29, 2012 | Kundenbewertung , Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback

It is so great when clients love our products! Marlene and Markus just sent us an email today explaining how much they love their book! That´s so great to hear that we could create everlasting memories for them. Please find their feedback in German as well as in English in the details of this post!

Sandra & Florian | Customer Feedback

6242 views since September 13, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Wedding

Wir haben so wahnsinnig viele Komplimente für unsere Bilder bekommen - auch Bekannte, welche nicht dabei waren, sind total gerührt. Wir sind wirklich glücklich, dass ihr uns begleitet habt und wir so grandiose Erinnerungen an den bisher schönsten Tag unseres Lebens haben! Beim Fotoshooting haben wir uns sehr wohl gefühlt und mit eurer Unterstützung sind einmalige Bilder entstanden. Vielen Dank euch beiden! Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf das nächste Fotoshooting :-) Liebe Grüsse, Sandra & Flo...

Daniela & Stephan | Customer Feedback

6497 views since August 06, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Zugspitze

Vielen Dank für die super gelungenen Hochzeitsfotos, sie sind genauso geworden wie wir uns das vorgestellt haben. Wir hoffen ihr hattet auch so viel Spaß beim Fotoshooting wie wir :-) Wir haben schon sehr, sehr vieleKomplimente zu den bezaubernden Hochzeitsbildern bekommen! Alle, die die Bilder sehen, sind schwer begeistert! Vor allem haben auch viele Hochzeitsgäste angemerkt, dass sie nicht mal mitbekommen haben, dass ihr so viele Bilder geschossen habt. Uns ging das genauso. Wir waren ganz übe...