Wedding at Hotel Klosterbräu in Seefeld, Tyrol | Theresa & Andreas

9447 views since October 01, 2015 | Seefeld , Hotel Klosterbräu , 5 Sterne

Before we leave for a wedding in Italy this weekend we want to deliver insight into our last wedding weekend with Theresa and Andreas. We had the wonderful opportunity to photograph their civil ceremony on Friday in Hall in Tyrol with just their closest family as well as their church wedding with guests from all over the world at the Hotel Klosterbräu***** in Seefeld on Saturday. Theresa and Andreas are from Styria and their life lead them to Tyrol for business and research. Theresa is devoted t...

Marlene & Markus | Customer Feedback

9288 views since November 29, 2012 | Kundenbewertung , Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback

It is so great when clients love our products! Marlene and Markus just sent us an email today explaining how much they love their book! That´s so great to hear that we could create everlasting memories for them. Please find their feedback in German as well as in English in the details of this post!

Marlene & Markus are saying I DO | Tyrol

9866 views since August 17, 2012 | Tiroler Oberland , Hochzeit , Wedding

Marlene and Markus are an adorable couple and they have two cute little sons. We met the couple at the Bridal Show in Innsbruck and we were honored to cover their great wedding day. So we hit the road and started with our loved ´Getting Ready´ part in Zams at their home. Marlene´s mum is makeup artist and so this part was even more special. Their wedding stationery design was wonderful, they had a central theme for their invitations, church programs as well as their seating plan and menu - a fe...

Caro & Stefan | Customer Feedback

6550 views since January 10, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Seefeld

Ihr habt unsere Erinnerung konserviert. Den Moment unvergesslich gemacht. In seiner schönsten Form. Wir danken euch von ganzem Herzen für eure fantastische Arbeit. Ganz liebe Grüße, Caro und Stefan

Ankie & Markus | Customer Feedback

5308 views since October 31, 2011 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Netherlands

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil, wir wollen euch herzlich danken für die tollen Fotos. Wegen euch haben wir unsere Hochzeit genossen. Nicht einmal denken müssen oder sagen müssen wie wir die Fotos haben wollten. Alle unsere Verwandten und Freunde schwärmen von den Fotos. Und wir werden euch an jedes Brautpaar weiterempfehlen!!! Liebe Grüße, Ankie & Markus

Andrea & Christoph | Customer Feedback

6262 views since October 20, 2011 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Natterer Boden

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil, ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön für die wunderschönen Bilder! Wir haben das Fotoshooting in vollen Zügen genossen. Durch eure souveräne und professionelle Art konnten wir uns total entspannen und die Zeit einfach nur für uns genießen. Vielen lieben Dank, Andrea & Christoph

Caro & Stefan are tying the knot in Seefeld | Hotel Klosterbräu

17868 views since October 12, 2011 | Seefeld , Hotel Klosterbräu , 5 Sterne

This September we had awesome wedding weather, also at the big day of Caro and Stefan in Seefeld. The church ceremony took place at the beautiful Seekirchl in Seefeld and for the ride to the Hotel Klosterbräu Caro and Stefan had the privilege to drive the hotel´s own vintage car! We had a gorgeous day with the bridal couple and their guests and we are really happy that we could be part of this special day.

Andrea & Christoph | Outdoor wedding | Natterer Boden

11898 views since October 07, 2011 | Natterer Boden , Outdoor Wedding , Freilufthochzeit

Andrea and Christoph are one of the sweetest couples ever and you can absolutely feel the love between them! They decided to have an outdoor wedding and the weather absolutely did it´s best - the ceremony took place at the Natterer Boden at bright sunshine and the rain waited until the couple entered the festival room for dinner. The following days after the wedding we already had snow in this country - snow in September ;) timing could not have been better for this outdoor weeding!

Ankie & Markus are throwing a party | Ischgl

13324 views since October 04, 2011 | Netherlands , Niederlande , Holland

Ankie and Markus absolutely know how to celebrate a party ;) on the occasion of their church wedding they have thrown a big party and rocked the stage! The couple had their civil marriage already some years ago and now they celebrated their church ceremony with friends and family from all over the world. Ankie and Markus also have three gorgeous kids and they enjoyed this special day as well to the full.

Carola & Bernd | Gorgeous wedding in Reutte | Part 2

11330 views since July 27, 2011 | Reutte , Ehrenberg Arena , Ehrenberg Klause

Here you find part two of Carola and Bernd`s wedding. They celebrated at the breathtaking Ehrenberg Arena in Reutte and by the way the catering was done by Hotel zum Mohren, it was not just tasty it was also a feast for the eyes! And in the evening the band Offtang 2-4 rocked the whole Arena! Here you can find part 1 of Carola and Bernd`s gorgeous wedding in Reutte: Part 1