Brigitte & Gerhard | Customer Feedback

5579 views since October 20, 2011 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Bodensee

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil, die Fotos sind unglaublich schön geworden, wir sind ganz begeistert!!! Auch der Blogeintrag ist euch super gelungen mit der Auswahl der Fotos. Unsere Hochzeit war für uns ein unvergesslicher Traum - mit diesem wunderbaren Wetter einfach unglaublich. Bis bald und ganz liebe Grüße, Brigitte & Gerry

Andrea & Christoph | Customer Feedback

6372 views since October 20, 2011 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Natterer Boden

Liebe Nina, lieber Phil, ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön für die wunderschönen Bilder! Wir haben das Fotoshooting in vollen Zügen genossen. Durch eure souveräne und professionelle Art konnten wir uns total entspannen und die Zeit einfach nur für uns genießen. Vielen lieben Dank, Andrea & Christoph

Andrea & Christoph | Outdoor wedding | Natterer Boden

12055 views since October 07, 2011 | Natterer Boden , Outdoor Wedding , Freilufthochzeit

Andrea and Christoph are one of the sweetest couples ever and you can absolutely feel the love between them! They decided to have an outdoor wedding and the weather absolutely did it´s best - the ceremony took place at the Natterer Boden at bright sunshine and the rain waited until the couple entered the festival room for dinner. The following days after the wedding we already had snow in this country - snow in September ;) timing could not have been better for this outdoor weeding!

Brigitte & Gerhard | Wedding on a boat | Lochau at Lake Constance

12560 views since October 06, 2011 | Bodensee , Lake Constance , Boat

Recently we could be part of Brigitte and Gerhard´s wedding at Lake Constance in Vorarlberg. They have decided to have their ceremony on a boat! The reception took place at the bathhouse, Seehotel am Kaiserstrand, in the middle of the lake at wonderful sunny weather. Some guests might have taken this to literal and went for a refreshing swim in the lake just before dinner ;) Even the groom had no chance to escape as he had to rescue his wife from distress...