Canada meets Switzerland | Ana-Marija & Andre | A fairy tail wedding at The Dolder Grand | Zurich - Part 2

19168 views since July 20, 2012 | Schweiz , Switzerland , Zürich

And here part 2 of the gorgeous wedding of Ana-Marija and André in Zurich im The Dolder Grand. Check out part one of their wedding as well: Part 1

Canada meets Switzerland | Ana-Marija & Andre | A fairy tail wedding at The Dolder Grand | Zurich - Part 1

21475 views since July 20, 2012 | Schweiz , Switzerland , Zürich

July 7th was a popular and often inquired wedding date. As we received an email from Canada last year for this special date we were stoked. A big thank-you to Sheila & Marc for their recommendation (we had the honor to document their wedding in Italy last year)! Ana-Marija is from Canada, André from Switzerland and they met in New York! Totally international right from the beginning! They celebrated their gorgeous wedding at The Dolder Grand in Zurich. It was really a dream and also the weather...

Caro & Stefan | Customer Feedback

6494 views since January 10, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Seefeld

Ihr habt unsere Erinnerung konserviert. Den Moment unvergesslich gemacht. In seiner schönsten Form. Wir danken euch von ganzem Herzen für eure fantastische Arbeit. Ganz liebe Grüße, Caro und Stefan

Caro & Stefan are tying the knot in Seefeld | Hotel Klosterbräu

17673 views since October 12, 2011 | Seefeld , Hotel Klosterbräu , 5 Sterne

This September we had awesome wedding weather, also at the big day of Caro and Stefan in Seefeld. The church ceremony took place at the beautiful Seekirchl in Seefeld and for the ride to the Hotel Klosterbräu Caro and Stefan had the privilege to drive the hotel´s own vintage car! We had a gorgeous day with the bridal couple and their guests and we are really happy that we could be part of this special day.

Anne & Christian - Part 2 | St. Christoph am Arlberg

12519 views since April 09, 2011 | Winterhochzeit , Winter Wedding , St. Anton am Arlberg

Part 2 of Anne and Christians`s wedding at Arlberg Hospiz Hotel. Part 1 of the wedding can be found here: Part 1

Anne & Christian - Part 1 | St. Christoph am Arlberg

16039 views since April 09, 2011 | Winterhochzeit , Winter Wedding , St. Anton am Arlberg

Last weekend we had the privilege to document the big day of Anne and Christian! The Hanover based couple decided to have a winter wedding at the wonderful ambience of the 5-star Arlberg Hospiz Hotel and the Hospiz Alm! The only ´drawback´: it was not as winterly as expected, spring was already there :) And here is my dilemma, there were so many photos I loved, I just couldn`t do one post, so I`ve divided them into Part 1 and Part 2.