Sandra & Florian | Customer Feedback

6242 views since September 13, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Wedding

Wir haben so wahnsinnig viele Komplimente für unsere Bilder bekommen - auch Bekannte, welche nicht dabei waren, sind total gerührt. Wir sind wirklich glücklich, dass ihr uns begleitet habt und wir so grandiose Erinnerungen an den bisher schönsten Tag unseres Lebens haben! Beim Fotoshooting haben wir uns sehr wohl gefühlt und mit eurer Unterstützung sind einmalige Bilder entstanden. Vielen Dank euch beiden! Wir freuen uns schon sehr auf das nächste Fotoshooting :-) Liebe Grüsse, Sandra & Flo...

A Belgian wedding at Schloss Friedberg | Maja & Nico

22791 views since September 03, 2012 | Schloss Friedberg , Castle , Cupcakes

Their family roots brought Maja & Nico from Belgium to Tyrol to have their wedding at a gorgeous place - Schloss Friedberg. After the renovation of the castle back in 2009 we already had the honor to photograph the castle`s interior and exterior as well as a very secret wedding. After such a long time we were very excited to return for an absolutely international wedding with guests from all over the world. An incredible outdoor wedding with mountain view. We were lucky - that day the sun was s...

Marlene & Markus are saying I DO | Tyrol

9866 views since August 17, 2012 | Tiroler Oberland , Hochzeit , Wedding

Marlene and Markus are an adorable couple and they have two cute little sons. We met the couple at the Bridal Show in Innsbruck and we were honored to cover their great wedding day. So we hit the road and started with our loved ´Getting Ready´ part in Zams at their home. Marlene´s mum is makeup artist and so this part was even more special. Their wedding stationery design was wonderful, they had a central theme for their invitations, church programs as well as their seating plan and menu - a fe...

Daniela & Stephan | Customer Feedback

6497 views since August 06, 2012 | Customer Feedback , Kundenfeedback , Zugspitze

Vielen Dank für die super gelungenen Hochzeitsfotos, sie sind genauso geworden wie wir uns das vorgestellt haben. Wir hoffen ihr hattet auch so viel Spaß beim Fotoshooting wie wir :-) Wir haben schon sehr, sehr vieleKomplimente zu den bezaubernden Hochzeitsbildern bekommen! Alle, die die Bilder sehen, sind schwer begeistert! Vor allem haben auch viele Hochzeitsgäste angemerkt, dass sie nicht mal mitbekommen haben, dass ihr so viele Bilder geschossen habt. Uns ging das genauso. Wir waren ganz übe...

Sandra & Florian | Deeply moving wedding with gorgeous details | Part 2

11794 views since July 26, 2012 | Props , Wedding Details , Bridesmaids

And here part 2 of Sandra and Florian´s deeply moving wedding. Check out part one of their wedding as well: Part 1

Sandra & Florian | Deeply moving wedding with gorgeous details | Part 1

15338 views since July 26, 2012 | Props , Wedding Details , Bridesmaids

Sandra and Florian are an awesome couple and you can really feel the love between them. One of our last year´s couples recommended us, special thanks to Caro & Stefan! We were a perfect fit right from the beginning and also our style is absolutely harmonious ;) Sandra and Florian as well as we created some props for our shoot due to the bad weather forecast for their wedding day to create some extraordinary images. As we presented our results to each other on the wedding day we had to laugh...

Daniela & Stephan | Summer wedding in Lermoos | Zugspitze

13601 views since July 13, 2012 | Zugspitze , Wedding , Hochzeit

It was an incredible summer day, perfect for Daniela and Stephan´s wedding in Lermoos! They chose this lovely place due to the fact that Stephan sometimes spent his holidays at his grandparents place as he was a child. The couple also went on vacation to Lermoos in the past and they enjoyed it so much that it suggests itself to celebrate their relationship there!

SlideShow DVD | Karin & Dirk

6770 views since July 03, 2012 | SlideShow , NHP SlideShow DVD , Bremen

Sneak preview of Karin & Dirk´s SlideShow DVD - it was really a very special and wonderful day!

Karin & Dirk | In Mieming the Post-Party is on!

11978 views since June 19, 2012 | Bremen , Deutschland , Germany

When a Tyrolian woman finds the love of here life in Bremen (Germany) and comes back to her hometown for her wedding, the ´Post´-party is on! The sympathy was great between Karin, Dirk and us right from the beginning and that´s why we were really excited about the wedding of two different cultures, that is always great. Even as the weather didn´t play along and it started to rain heavily right when we arrived at our outdoor shooting location, Karin and Dirk didn´t mind and enjoyed the day. Due ...

Engagement Session | Maria & Toni alias Maroni

10821 views since May 22, 2012 | Engagement , Verlobung , Love

Maria and Toni are a great couple and we had a lot of fun with them right from the beginning! As we got their inquiry to photograph their wedding this fall our hearts were beating faster. Now we kicked it off with an engagement session where all of us had tons of fun! We are really looking forward to Maria and Toni´s highlight in September and we hardly can wait for it! By the way: I admire Maria´s creativity, if you´d like to see more of her talent you should absolutely visit her wedding blog: ...