2010 was GREAT!

7662 views since December 23, 2010 | Product Photography , Fashion , Photography

2010 was a really eventful year for us and our business and we want to share the highlights of 2010 with you once more.

New Blog features online - vote for your favorite image!

4593 views since October 11, 2010

Now you can vote for single blog images - just click to view a special blog post and then you can click on every image to vote for it. You can also find the top 10 of the most popular images as well as the most viewed posts in the left menu! Have fun voting for your favorite images!

Interview at the Chateau and Villa Weddings Blog

5677 views since October 01, 2010

Hello everyone! This time we are very proud to post a link to an interview with us at the Chateau and Villa Weddings Blog. As a leading destination wedding planner agency based in France and Italy, Chateau and Villa Weddings has, for the past six years, helped hundreds of couples from America, Australia, Russia, UK, Ireland, China and India (to name but a few) to organize their dream wedding in Europe. Caroline Berthe (Franco/American) and Elena Piemonte (Italian) definitely do have the connect...

Our Photokina-Trip | Cologne

6760 views since September 24, 2010 | NHP , Photokina , Cologne

We are back from our Photokina - Cologne trip and we have a lot of new ideas in our luggage! We had a lot of fun, interesting talks and we met a lot of nice people. In this post we show you some images from us at the Photokina as well as a cool 360 degrees image from our cool move at the ADF Matrixring, captured with 18 cameras.

We and our artworks at the Photokina | Cologne

5235 views since September 19, 2010

We are so proud that some of our images are presented at the Photokina in Cologne, one of the most important photo exhibitions in Europe.

ACC rocked the day

4589 views since September 02, 2010

We all know company events and we are sure we all have visited one or two. The ACC - Agency for Creative Communication, we did the Silberquelle Project with, had their 30-years anniversary on Thursday and showed everyone what creative communication is all about!

Color fidelity for prints is difficult to get

4772 views since August 15, 2010

Heute dürfen wir euch wieder einmal einen Blogeintrag zu einem wichtigen, aber oft vernachlässigten Thema der Fotografie präsentieren - der Farbtreue bzw. Farbechtheit und das damit zusammenhängende Color-Management.

Erfolgreicher Messeauftritt bei Hochzeiten & Feste

3852 views since February 24, 2010

Wir bedanken uns herzlich bei allen Besuchern unseres Messestandes auf der Messe Hochzeiten & Feste im Congress Innsbruck. Vielen Dank auch für das viele positive Feedback zu unserer Arbeit!

Aussteller auf der Hochzeiten & Feste Messe in Innsbruck: 20. - 21. Feber 2010

4373 views since January 11, 2010

Nina Hintringer Photography ist Aussteller auf der Messe Hochzeiten & Feste im Congress Innsbruck. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch auf unserem Messestand in der Dogana vom 20. - 21. Feber 2010. Weitere Informationen zur Messe finden Sie hier: Webseite